Revlon Star Attraction Nail Enamel
Revlon Star Attraction Nail Enamel in Star Watch, R89.99 (Clicks)
Star Attraction is Revlon’s version of magnetic polish. I’ve tried a few different brands of magnetic polishes, all without too much success. This one was different, and was able to see what they were all talking about.
What you need to do is do one nail at a time, as the polish needs to be wet when you create the pattern with the magnet. Paint the nail, then take the little magnet they give you and hold it as close to the wet polish as you can (without touching it) for 10 – 15 seconds. Pull the magnet away, and you’re left with star patterns in the polish. Clever huh? Once it’s dry you can add a topcoat.
It’s available in grey, blue, green and bronze as well as this purple.