Zehra Age Beautifully Skin Rejuvenation
Zehra Age Beautifully Skin Rejuvenation, R500
What they say: Zehra with Peptan™ Collagen is an expertly-formulated collagen supplement for the woman who knows what she wants when it comes to maintaining her youthful complexion. Added antioxidants Vitamin C (needed for collagen formation) and Co-Enzyme Q10, make Zehra a unique skin-support women’s health supplement that helps prevent deep wrinkle formation, boosts moisture and smoothness, and keeps skin supple. Research shows that supplementing daily with hydrolysed collagen stimulates collagen production, improves skin moisture levels, and re-densifies the dermis. Within 12 weeks of daily collagen supplementation, visibly younger-looking skin was evident. With Zehra skin care products, you can put the finishing touch to your beauty routine and rejuvenate your skin from within.
What we say: This is the first of a few revies we’ll be doing on Zehra. I’ve been using it, and will do this review. But I also have my mum using it, and I’ll keep you posted about what her results are. (As her skin is 33 years older than mine, I think it’ll be a good comparison).
I’ve been using the product for 3 weeks, and have already noticed a difference! It comes in sachet form, which you dissolve with water or fruit juice and have with your breakfast. The brand manager actually sprinkles hers over her yoghurt!
I’m not going to lie – the taste isn’t bad at all, but it isn’t the most incredible taste in the world, either.
For the first week I had a few break-outs, but they cleared-up after a few days. Since then I’ve noticed that my skin is feeling more and more ‘plumped’, and I’m having to use less moisturizer, even though we’re going into winter.
The fine lines I had starting around my eyes and on my forehead also seem to have diminished.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress, as well as mum’s over the next few months.
For stockist details, have a look here.

susie clark
i believe the product is amazing will be in contact with hanneli in Benoni
Hanli Fourie from Lakeside, Cape Town
I’ve been using Zehra now for 11 weeks, and I can see a big improvement in my skin. I’m using the best skincare available on the market, and the 2 go hand in hand. A lot of people have been saying how beautiful my skin is looking the last month or so, more hydrated and smoother, and the fine lines around my eyes are hardly noticeable. I’ve also started doing a lot of exercise, and i’m not stiff at all. So using Zehra, has also helped me to recover so much quicker thereafter. I will definately keep on using it. Its an investment in my body!!
Rouge Beauty Girl
Great to hear!
Corinne Botha
Saw this add on Expresso and looks interesting . Nice to know there is a product working from inside out . I do biofeedback and anti ageing so this would be perfect for my beauty conscious clientele . Definately looking to try this
Please can you give me all the proportions of each ingredient?
I do already take Vit C 1000 and co enzyme Q 10 50
so would this not be an overkill or are there more important ingredients
which make it work better?
Thank you
Arlene Lajom
Interesting ! I would to know more about it. I want collagen soap .
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Gwen
I wouldn’t like to give you advice on this, as I’m not a scientist.
I will forward your question onto Zehra, and get back to you with their answer.
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Gwen
Here is your reply from Zehra:
The Upper Safe Limit (UL) for long-term use of vitamin C is 2000 mg per day, for a person that is healthy, not smoking and not using any prescription medication.
One sachet of Zehra adds 100 mg per day, which pushes up the total Vitamin C intake per day to 2100 mg, and added to that what one would get from a diet (about 150 mg per day if you eat lots of fresh fruit and veg), a possible total of 2250 mg per day. At this level, there should be no health risks, especially if your immune system is under stress, which increases requirements. However, sensible supplementation would be limited to 2000 mg per day. I would therefore advise 1000-1500 mg of Vitamin C from a pure supplement source, which then allows for the additional intake from Zehra and the diet, which will ensure optimal utilization and minimize any excessive intake that may result in urinary losses.
One Zehra sachet per day adds 1 mg of coenzyme Q10 to the diet, which is the equivalent one would get from about two tablespoons of peanuts (a very small handful), which is negligible from a dietary perspective. Supplementation guidelines for Coenzyme Q10 vary from 100-200 mg per day, in which context the added 1 mg is not going to make any significant difference.
Morning where are treatments done in Durban? Could you help? Thank Belinda
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Belinda
This is a retail product, not a treatment. 🙂
Good morning, i am interested in buying this product could you tell me how much and where i can buy it. I am based in Benoni.
Many thanks
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Claire
Sure, as I mention in the post,
“For stockist details, have a look here: http://www.zehra-agebeautifully.com/home-sidebar/distributors/”
I’m not sure of the current price as this post is 4 years old, but the Zehra team will be able to let you know.
Good luck
delisile mzila
Hi I am 24 years old of age and I have dark spots on my face, will it help? and if it removes these spots is it a must to continue using it or?
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Delisile
No, this is a collagen supplement, which is for anti-aging rather than dark spot correcting.
Garnier, Kiehl’s, Clinique and Neutrogena have great dark spot correcting serums, they will be a better bet for you.
Hope this helps,
Please can you tell me if this product contains Gluten or has been packaged in a factory handling Gluten?
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Georgie
Sorry, I don’t know. It’s best to get hold of the company directly so they can help you.
Give them a ring on (021) 900 2718
Vinodah Chetty
Hi can you please advise of stockists in the Durban area please.
Rouge Beauty Girl
Hi Vinodah
You can get it online from Clicks here:https://clicks.co.za/zehra_skin-rejuvenation-berry-flavoured-30-sachets/p/271265
Or, there is a full list of stockists on their website here: http://www.zehra-agebeautifully.com/home-sidebar/distributors/
Hope this helps?