Beauty,  Skincare

Sisley Sisleÿa Eye & Lip Contour Cream

Sisley Sisleÿa Eye & Lip Contour Cream (R2000)

What they say: An age-defence formula specifically adapted to the most delicate parts of the face. It has a particularly high concentration of active ingredients. Its formulation includes Padina Pavonica algae extract that works in synergy with natural plant extracts and vitamins to help:

  • effectively maintain hydration of the eye and lip areas, thus limiting the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
  • smooth and tone these very fragile areas, where the skin is especially fine-textured and delicate, to delay the appearance of wrinkles,
  • prevent the appearance of under-eye puffiness and dark circles.

After a few weeks’ daily use, skin appears more supple, more radiant, better toned, with an average reduction in wrinkles of approximately 23%.

What I say: Yes, it’s pricey, but with all things Sisley, you are guaranteed that it will do what it says on the box. I know many people are skeptical about eye cream, and yes, you probably could use your face cream, but you won’t get the results you might with a targeted treatment. Having said that, no eye cream is going to get rid of deep wrinkles, and I’ve yet to find a product that eradicated dark circles (make up is your best friend here), but you can find super effective formulas like this one. I can’t comment on the lip contouring part of it, as I don’t have lip lines yet. I have been using it around my lips, but I’ll only see how well it works when I’m older, and have better a better lip area than my friends… Prevention is always better, girls.

I was fortunate enough to be sent the limited edition version that comes with a cooling massage tool. It makes a huge difference to puffy eyes, so get hold of this one if you can. The cold shirks the blood vessels around the area, forcing them to drain the area of excess fluid. You can also use an ice cube wrapped in a flannel, obviously.

Okay, onto the formula. It has been developed to target three signs of aging; genetic, environmental and personal lifestyle (that’s all the sugar and salt we eat – go us!). As with all Sisley formulas, only the strongest, most effective botanical actives are used, and there are eight age-fighting ingredients in this little jar. The consistency is almost balm-like, but absorbs instantly and doesn’t peel off when makeup is applied over the top.

As my eye area is my biggest problem area, I saw a difference quite quickly – after about 2 weeks. The area was noticeably plumper and my fine lines were definitely less prominent. Now, with continued use, they constantly look like I’ve just applied an eye mask, which is incredible.

I realise the price tag isn’t for everyone, but as I keep saying, you need to invest in good (not always necessarily expensive) skincare to see results. This delivers great results for those of you who you struggle with crêpey eye areas and lip lines.

For those of you interested, it’s currently on 20% off on Red Square (November 2017).